Friday, January 14, 2011

What I learned in Science this week

This week we learned a lot about rocks, minerals and caves. We learned about the earth's structure too. We watched some cool videos about caves, rocks and minerals. Some videos were about the earth's structure. We learned that the earth has layers. It has 4 layers. The core, outer core, the mental and the crust. In the video it said that the core is 1,500 degrees Celsius, the mental is 1,200 degrees Celsius and the crust is cold and rocky. Very cold. Here is a picture of it. We learned that there was lots of different small animals living in the dark caves. All of them were blind because it is dark and the eyes wouldn't help in anyway. One of those animals are bets who go looking for food at night, and because they are blind they have a very good sense of hearing. So that is why they hunt really good. ( At least I think that)

I want to learn why the earth's crust is so cold and rocky, and why the inner core is so hot. I would also like to know if the animals that live in the caves are dangerous or poison. Do the bigger animals eat the smaller animals from the caves? Could we, humans travel to the center of the earth (the inner core) and discover what it actually is? Or did we do that already? There is so many things that interest me about the earth, caves or minerals (rocks)!!!! I really like this unit and I hope that we will discuss more about it, because I know that I am not talented for things like science but things like this really interest 
                                                                                          me and make me want to learn more about it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ajda,
    This was a very good summary. There were a few key ideas you mentioned and of course we will investigate rocks and minerals much more! Good job, just one thing can you go back and edit the word mantle and bats so your readers will know what you mean? Thank you!
