When investigating the simulation, the moon clock, and/or the model, what did you notice about the phases of the moon? Why do we see different parts of the moon each night?
I noticed that whenever we would look at the moon from above it would always be half shaded. When we looked form aside it was always different. I think that we see different parts of the moon every day because the earth is rotating and therefore the moon must be to. I also think that we might see different parts because the sun and the moon rotate behind each other and the moon reflects different sun waves each time.
How well did making a model help you understand the phases of the moon? What are some disadvantages of using models?
Making the model with Hannah really helped me understand how the light would shine of the moon and then how it would also reflect onto our earth. It also helped me see and visualize or imagine how the moon travels and makes different light. The only disadvantage of making a model is that it can't give you a straight forward answer or even a complete answer to your question.
Scientists are thinking all the time about how they can make models of objects that are too small or too large to see: Can you think of another way to make a model to represent the various phases of the moon?
I think it would be really cool to actually be on the moon or in the earths atmosphere and closely observe with cameras of course how the moon cycle changes and how light affects the earth and the changes that occur at every moon cycle.
What is a lunar month?
So when I first look at this question without looking online I think; a lunar month is a month without the moon. Is it true? No. A lunar month is, "A month measured between successive new moons (roughly 291/2 days)."
Overall a good post. Do remember though that you needed to answer the questions from the analysis section of the book as well and not my blog. The sun does not rotate, but the moon does indeed reflect a different amount of the sun's rays at different times. Also, just to clarify that the moon does not give off light, but it is merely reflecting the sun's rays.