Monday, August 29, 2011

My Scientific Summer!!!

Hey everyone! This is my 2nd blog post for the year of 2011 but I am exited to tell you about my summer in a scientific way! Hope you enjoy, an of course learn something new!! Thanks! :)

This summer I spent about 36 hours (in total) on the airplane flying to/from places. My favorite trip was going to France, Paris where I went to a summer camp. It was a french summer camp which I went to, to learn french. However it was a bit though on me but know I see that it was great experience! I traveled to and back with an airplane. It was a 2 hour flight (well 1 45 hour flight if we are exact.)

Every object on Earth has weight, a product of both gravity and mass. Weight's opposing force is lift, which holds an airplane up in the air. This is accomplished through the use of an airplanes wing. The wing splits the airflow in two directions: up and over the wing and down along the underside of the wing.
The wing is shaped and tilted so n moving air flows over an object and encounters an obstacle (something like a bump), its path narrows and the flow speeds up as all the molecules rush though. Once past the obstacle, the path widens and the flow slows down again. Remove the pressure and the water flow returns to its previous state.As air speeds up, its pressure drops. So the faster-moving air moving over the wing gets less pressure on it than the slower air moving underneath the wing. The result is an upward push of lift.

In conclusion know that you know what it takes to get the airplane to fly normally, I think you will need to think twice before going on it again! Anyway I hope that you liked my blog post and I'll see you soon!!!!

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