Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What do I want to learn this year???

Hey everyone and welcome to my 3 blog post this year! Today I am going to write about what I would love to learn this year. So here I come. This year I would really love to learn more about bacteria. Different kinds of it, how it effects us and how it forms. I would also love to learn more about the living and non-living things. I mean to say I would like to discuss more about the cycle of life, the needs of living and non-living things and of course how or what they are made up of. One thing that really, really interests me is the cycle of life. I have a few questions listed below that I would like to know about the cycle of life for both living and non-living things-

  • Do non-living things have a cycle of life?
  • Why is the human cycle of life different from animals or plants?
  • Do all cycles of life have the same needs?
  • What is the difference between the animal, human and plant cycle of life?

In conclusion I would love to learn about all thins things and I hope that I will by the end of this year o that I can answer all my questions and of course gain lots of extra knowledgeable!!! Have fun and I'll see you soon! XOXO

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