Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Blog Post/Current Event Number 2= Fats encourage overeating

Posted by- Ajda Mozetic
Written By- Stephen Ornes/ July 27, 2011

How will you react when you see a tasty chocolate donate? You won't be able to resist it will you? Well foods with lots of fats like donates are hard to resist and also hard on your health. A high-fat diet can increase your weight and there is a very big chance of heart disease which leads us to the causes of death. Although this information is more than accurate many people find it too difficult to resist it. Recently scientist’s performed an experiment with rats. They fed them fats from our unhealthy food so they could learn more about the molecules involved in overeating. One thing that they wanted to find out is what kind of massages rats will send to their brain and other parts of their body. By studying those cells scientists might be able to develop new tablets to help you lose weight. They discovered that when rats tasted those fats their bodies immediately activated molecules called endocrinologists. In both rats and humans that molecule helps send the message to the brain which tells the brain when it is time to eat. The study also showed that once the molecule is activated you will not get enough of it and you will keep on eating and eating and eating. When endocrinologists are blocked, or inactive, the eating stops. The scientists also figured that the fats that activate endocrinologists can make an animal or a human want to keep on eating.  The new study shows how scientists divided rats into 4 different groups and fed each group a different diet. Three of the diets were rich on fat but particular nutrient. One group gobbled corn oil which is one kind of fat. The second group ate a sugar rich diet. The third one ate a protein-heavy diet (protein is found in meat, nuts est.) The last group was fed a well- balanced diet. After the experiment the scientists studied the tissues of the different groups of rats. They came to a conclusion that said; endocrinologists were most active in the intestines of rats fed a high-fat diet. The new study opens up a new way to help people who are overweight lose weight again. Scientists hope to create medications that act only in the gut, since that’s where endocrinologists were most active in the study. If it ends up a successes maybe they can make fatty food a bit easier to resist and the healthy weight easier to maintain.



  1. I was really interested in your blog post. It is true because when I eat unhealthy foods I always want to eat more! (Thats why I am trying to be healthy) I really liked your blog post! Great Job!

  2. Wow, that was one of the most amazing blogs I have read. I didn't really know anything about those stuff and thanks god I learned them! Good job!

  3. That was a yummy blog post!I now understand what people mean when they say that once they start eating they can't stop. My mom ate too much salty stuff and now she doesn't feel well. That was interesting!

  4. Thanks guys! I'm glad you like it!!

  5. Too much text copied and no reflection, please keep this in mind in your future current events! great topic though and the format is correct.

  6. I really like your blog post. And I never knew all this. It was very interesting. Good job!!!!!!!! :)
