Monday, April 11, 2011

Who Owns The World's Ocean's Minerals?

Hey all! Today I will teach you all about the oceans minerals and who owns them. A while ago my teacher Miss M. told us about this amazingly interesting topic, and supported her idea with some cool and and interesting websites, that helped me and my class mates to finish this project, while learning lots of new bits of information. When it comes to the question "Who Owns The World's Ocean's Minerals?" we really need to think hard. As I scanned through a couple of websites I found a few interesting opinions, and facts about "Who Owns The World's Ocean's Minerals?". Some supported my idea which I will state later. Now I will share a few notes that I took during researching this exiting topic. Feel free to leave any comments or questions while you are reading this blog post. Thank you, and begin learning!

Who Owns The World's Oceans Minerals?
-Rich Mineral Deposits lie on and just beneath the ocean floor
-Costal Nations have the right to mine near their shores
-Minerals that are hidden beneath the oceans floor are open to all Nations to mine
-Today minerals are also being mined form the continental shelf

-The 5 oceans are actually one big ocean, so not divided
-Every person on this planet owns the ocean, but at the same times we don’t
- Countries around the world agreed that none own the ocean

- At the end of 1960’s about 400 million tons of oil were removed from the ocean PER year
- Some for the oil and gas that was found in the ocean is now polluting it
-Countries who fish in the ocean can send their boats to fish anywhere around the world

-In most of the nations around the world the minerals found or digged go to the government, without noticing who owns the land
-The owner of the land can sell the mineral rights to another nation
-The rights of minerals on bought land belongs to the sovereign who owns the surface permanently


Did you ever think about minerals being spread around the ocean floor? No probably not today. Now think about who OWNS those minerals. Many nations around the world claim that all the minerals should belong to them. The real problem is how we can get to them. Minerals near the ocean floor are not hard to get, and are not too expensive, however the minerals further into the sea are harder to mine which makes it more expensive. There are new technologies that we need to get deeper and deeper into the sea. Some rich countries can provide enough money and afford the new technologies. Nations that are still not as rich and are still developing do not agree with that. The Law of Sea also thinks that the minerals are everybody’s property and anyone can take them.

Rich nations have a problem. They know that they can afford to get the minerals, but which inventor is so trustworthy to give money to, so he can build a machine that would work? There are of course some nice and fair nations who have the problem of thinking who to share those minerals with. However the nations that are still developing have a bigger problem to think about. How and where do they get the money to mine the minerals? If I was part of The Sea Law I would try and give the countries that are left out or not close to the sea such as the landlocked nations some money to get them started. I would also make an agreement with them. The more minerals they mine the more money they will get to expand and continue their work.

In conclusion, my opinion is this; The nations that are developing need some money support in order to continue developing, some countries have barely enough money to support their country with so how can they spent the money that their people need to mining minerals? I also think that the rich countries should have a limited about of Sea for mining, and the rest should be open to anyone who wants to mine, but of course they need the money to do it.

Thank you for taking your time and reading all these information that I spent so much time on collecting and I also hope that you have got some background knowledgeable on The Oceans Minerals! Thank you and be sure to read the next blog post!

Please feel free to live any comments or suggestions beneath this blog post! Thank you and again I hope that you have learned something new about Who Owns the Worlds Minerals! See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Good organization of this blog post. I like how you separated each topic with a paragraph. It was very clear to read. I have to agree with you that the more developed countries should be sharing. Good job!
