Monday, March 21, 2011

Finding the Denisty of a mineral lab

Guiding Question- Does the density of a mineral depends on the size of the mineral sample?
Hypothesis-   I think it does because the bigger the mineral is the larger the mass is.
Controlled variables- I am always going to keep the same materials.
Manipulated variable- The sample of minerals is going to stay the same but the size of it will.
Minerals used- Galena.
Materials- Type of mineral, graduated cylinder, balance scale
Procedure - We first got 4 samples of the same mineral, Galena. We found the mass of each sample, then found the volume of each one and in the end we divided mass by volume to get the density. In the need when we looked at what we have been working on it really didn’t make sense to us. Density was the smallest number on the chart!
Date Table-
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4
Mass (g)
Volume (ml)
Density (ml,g)


Data Analysis- The graph mostly shows the mass, volume and the density of the mineral Galena which we used. AS you might have noticed it really doesn’t make sense. I mean the density is suppose to be the biggest number out of the mass, volume and density, but for us it turned out to be the smallest.

Conclusion- I think this project was fairly hard. The only problem that my group and I have is the density. I mean it really doesn’t make sense what we have there. The density is supposed to be the biggest number since it shows how dense an object is. I would prefer us doing it again, and see what we did wrong.
Further Inquiry-
We did our lab report twice and we still got a really low density. Then Miss M. asked us if we are writing the volume down correctly and when we took a close look we saw taht we might need to change some things in order to get close. Then we chacked the "spacific gravity" or the density that scienticts found. It is 7.4 - 7.6, which means that we were not so off. Of course it depends on the size, but since scientists checked many different sizes we should probably believe them.

Mineral Galena

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