Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What is a Mineral?

This unit was all about studying "What is a Mineral". We saw some videos, sideshows, did some worksheets and ended up having a test.

What is not a mineral and why-
  • Wood- because it was once a living thing
  • Fossils- because they were once living
  • Bone- because it is a living material
  • Granite- instructive igneous rock
  • Pearls- because it is made by oysters
  • Coal- because it is made of sedimentary rock
  • Rock Salt- because it is made of sedimentary rocks

What is a mineral-
  • Gold
  • Topaz
  • Quartz
  • Diamond
  • Talc
  • Ice-burg

Those are all minerals, and non- minerals. Now I will tell you how you can recognize a mineral. Ask yourself the following queestions and you will get the naswer.

Questions that will help you determine if the item is a mineral-
  • Is it a non-living material?
  • Is it a solid?
  • Is it formed in nature?
  • Does it have a crystalline structure?
If you answer this questions correctly you will egt the right answer! This unit was, fun and since we will continue it, I am exitied to learn more about it!

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