Tuesday, May 17, 2011

From Feet To Fathoms Project

Hey Guys! This blog post is actually late because i had no idea that we actually need to post it! Sorry! Anyway this is a lab that we did in class! Hope you enjoy!
Guiding Questions: What are some advantages of using the metric measurements over the old English system? How accurate are old measurements using body parts?
Hypothesis 1: Because, without it we couldn’t measure things.
Hypothesis 2: The measurements that we use now are more accurate then the olden once, although is some cases they can be pretty close.
• Partners
• Objects in the classroom (whiteboard, desks, hallway, lockers, and textbooks etc…)
• List of the measurements
• Meter stick or measuring tape

Ways of measuring:
• Pace: Walking with outstretched legs= 1 yard, 3 feet
• Egyptian Cubit: Elbow to the tip of the forefinger= 50 cm or 18 inches
• Fathom: Tip of forefinger to tip of forefinger= 6 feet or 1.70 m
• Palm: across the palm= 3 inches or 7.5 cm
• Span: From tip of the thumb to the tip of little finger= 6 inches or 20 cm
• English Yard: From the tip of pointer to the middle of nose= 90 cm or 1 yard
• Foot: one foot= 1 yard or 20 cm
• Fingernail: 1.5 inch or 1 cm
1. Choose at least 6 object to measure
2. Determine what form of measurement you will use to measure the first object
3. Measure it with the chosen technique then find the average
4. Measure with meter stick to find the real measurement
5. Chose the next object and measure it with one of the techniques and then find the actual measurement
6. Compare class data results. Find the average of these results.


Data Table:
Materials Measurement Type 1 2 3 Average Final measurement
Crayon Box Fingernail 7 cm 6 cm 6 cm 6.3 cm 7.0 cm
White Board Fathom 12 feet 9 feet 9 feet 10 feet 8.5 feet
Peep Fingernail 12 cm 13 cm 14 cm 13 cm 14 cm
Hallway Foot 38 feet 45 feet 39 feet 40.6 feet 34.75 feet
Desk Foot 5 feet 6 feet 5 feet 5.43 4.5 feet
Stonehenge Book Span 40 cm 40 cm 40 cm 40 cm 32 cm

Data Analysis:
What pattern or relationships do you see?
When I looked at the table in full detail I saw that there were quite a few same answers. When we did the first 3 try outs our answers were mostly the same and if they were not, they were off by about 1 or 2 cm/inches. Also the final answer was pretty far away from what we found, according to our data.

The old English techniques are not so accurate although in some of the cases it shows that they are pretty same to the final measurements. If they were not the same then we were not off for a lot. It was by a few cm or inches, so I would say it was pretty accurate. The old English measurements were not so accurate, but we did get pretty close with them. Well, it is important to have many different types of measurements so you can measure things in different sizes. My hypothesis was very short and it didn’t really make any sense so I made a second one on their too. The smaller objects were a bit easier to measure then the big ones because they were more accurate a t the end. We preferred to use the fingernail measurement because it’s the easiest.

Further Inquiry:
I think that next time we should have more difficult and more objects to measure, not only 6. Our error was mostly the averages. We had a bit of problems in the beginning but came through quite well. Next time I would try and have more things to measure and make them more different or difficult. We didn’t make any errors, but we could have worked a bit harder and more efficiently. I am just wondering why the names of the measurements were so strange and why they had so many different ones when they could have had one like span and another one that’s a bit smaller.

So, that was it, I hoped you got some useful information! Thanks, see you soon!

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