Monday, May 30, 2011

Speeding Objects Lab Report

Hey all! This is my 40th post, which is first of all a round number, second of all my favorite number and lastly a very interesting blog post! This is actually a lab report! WOWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! How exiting huh! Well let me first explain to you what we did in this lab report and what it is all about!

So in science class today we started a lab called "Speeding Objects"!!! Wow right?! Anyway we were in groups of 3 and I worked with my two awesome friends Alex Watts and Irina! We choose 5 different balls and measured the speed, mass, time and distance that each ball traveled! It was very exiting but at the same time kind of difficult because we had to record everything! So here it goes, all our hard work and effort!

Data Table- (big version)

Graph for the big data table-

Graph for only mass-

The speed graph-

Beneath is the written lab report-
Guiding Questions: What affects the speed of a mass?

Hypothesis: Gravity, friction, velocity and memento and force

Materials: Tape measure, 5 different types of balls, cardboard box, long rile, scale, timer

Controlled Variable: It will stay the same shape and mass, the same distance and the same force, velocity

Manipulated Variables: mass of the balls

1. We will find the mass of every object that we have
2. Then the distance of the rail
3. And then we will apply force to the objects
4. And time how long it will take to go to the end of the rail

This project was really fun, and I think that I learned a lot about how to measure speed, mass, time and much more. It was a bit difficult because you really had to be careful to get all the measurements exactly how they are suppose to be and do it 3 times to check if they make sense and if they in a way math up. Because if they don't then you could immediately see that there was something wrong with the measurements.

Further Inquiry:
If we were to do this again I would try and see if we could divide the whole class into 2 groups and have t=each group measure more than 10 same balls and then see if the measurements match up and make sense!

It really was fun, and it really was worth putting so much effort into it! See you soon, hope you enjoyed!

1 comment:

  1. This is a good blog post, and the graphs are quite good. However, I can't find the data analysis. Go ahead and revise this post. I'm sure you can see some patterns in the data you collected.
