Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Marbel in Motion

Hey People! This blog post is going to be really exiting, because I am going to tell you something really amazing! So, today in class we did this lab called, "Marbles in Motion". We worked in pairs of two. My partner was Emma Harrison. We took 9 different balls, with different sizes, and weight. Some balls, were marbles, some were made out of Styrofoam and some were weights. Here it goes!

We used:
1 tennis ball
1 big Styrofoam ball
1 medium sized marble
1 tinny marble
1 jambo marble
1 little weight
1 golf ball
1 pink-pong ball
1 tinny Styrofoam ball

1 tennis ball- the tennis ball wasn't so light so we had to blow a bit stronger, and when it rolled across the table it went pretty much straight for the whole time.
1 Styrofoam ball- We blew into the middle of the ball, and then it moved very straight and stopped at about the end of the table.
1 medium sized marble- we blew in the middle of the marble and it started moving straight but towards the end of the table it just kind of made a turn and started going more to the right, until it came to the end.
1 tinny marble- the tiny marble didn't have to be blown so hard because it wasn't heavy. It went straight all the way until the end of the table.
1 jambo marble- The jambo marble had to be blown a little harder then the little one because it has more density. It was rolling straight until about the middle of the table where it went more up to the right and then towards the end it came back down so it ended up rolling straight.
1 little weight- the little weight was not so heavy but it wasn't so easy either. It went straight pretty much the whole time, but then towards the end it moved of the course just for a split centimeter but you could really see how it changed when it crossed the finish line at the end of the table.
1 golf ball- The gold ball was heavy so we needed more air to blow it. It was traveling straight until about the middle when it turned right and then continued there and then it came back down and it ended up almost falling pf the table.
1 pink-pong ball- The pink-pong ball is very light so it just needed a little blow and it went straight across the table.
1 tinny Styrofoam ball- It was very light, so it only needed a little, soft blow and it moved straight across the table.


Does the mass of a marble affect how it moves?

Yes, because the heavier ones move slower and the lighter ones move faster and further. For example the smaller and lighter one moved further. If you compere the Styrofoam with the marble, Styrofoam would go faster and further because it is , lighter.

When given a force, what happens to its motion?

When given a force it moves in different directions, sometimes its straight, but a lot of the times it is not.

This was something pretty simple and I hope you learned something fun today! See you soon!

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